A terribly honest review of the gigs of my 2008.

Monday, 14 April 2008



I hate bands playing at club nights. It just feels really fake, especially in large spaces where people will not really be dancing much before or between the band(s) but will be standing waiting for them to come on. I have a simple explanation how this can work:

Bands then club = WOOP!
Club then band then club (repeat if appropriate) = POOP!

Done, and tonight definitely fell into the latter.

But that is not the band's fault. Neither was it their fault that the sound was appalling on occasions throughout the entire set and that there were some real wankers at the front who had no consideration for anyone. These were all things that I had expected when pondering this event and so I couldn't blame the band one iota, and what they could control they did so with some ability. Managing to take twee and add a real dancability to it, Los Campesinos! seem to have everyone in the know taking notice and, on tonights evidence, they will soon be making people take notice on dance floors all over the country and further afield.



noirnoirnoir said...

The sound wasn't bad at all! You must have been standing somewhere a bit rubbish as we all know not everywhere in the building is going to be superb for sound.
I was stonecold sober and was thoroughly impressed! I don't usually like bands on at clubs either, but I thought it went rather well.

Shit Talker said...

At times the sound was good, but at others seriously sketchy. I was stood by the side near the door to where the cloakroom is so it could be my placing but I moved across the dancefloor at one point to go to the toilet and it didn't improve much.

I too was sober and they impressed me but the idea doesn't and leaves me feeling weird. Still better than most nights that do the same.

Thanks for the comment though. Did you see them at the Windmill too by any chance?